Legend Of The Ghost Buck by Lane Walker (Hometown Hunters #1)


He really does exist, he thought, as his left hand trembled on the bow. Thirty yards away was the biggest buck he’d ever seen. It was a moment he’d been waiting for all his young life.

Somehow his quivering right hand found the bowstring. His heart hammered as he struggled to calm his frantic breathing. Slowly the enormous buck turned . . . and looked directly at the young hunter’s tree stand.

Boone held his breath and froze . . .

Thirteen-year-old Boone Mason came face to face with the buck of a lifetime. Would he find the faith to believe he could make the shot or would he believe the old man who taunted him in his dreams, telling him he didn’t have what it takes to bring the buck down?

People came from miles around to get a glimpse of the legendary buck and maybe even get a chance to take it themselves as a record breaking trophy. Would this young hunter beat them all to the prize or would he let his doubts get in the way?

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